The Code Security Group (CSecGroup), has been founded in August 2014. The mission of the group is to bring together researchers, students and practitioners interested in web applications security . The main research topics of the group are Static Code Analysis(SAST) and Web Application Vulnerabilities Scanner(DAST) and Interactive Application Security Testing(IAST).

Code Security Group(CSecGroup)成立于2014年8月。专注代码安全审计、漏洞检测及安全修复方案研究。 主要研究项目主题是静态代码分析(SAST)和Web应用程序漏洞扫描程序(DAST)和交互式应用程序安全性测试(IAST)。

CSecGroup is committed to providing the enterprise with Best Practices for the use of SAST and IAST within a Real-World Secure Development Lifecycle.


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